Become a CareOne Hospital

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General Information

How old is the hospital (years)?
How many registered patients does the hospital have
What is the Average Monthly Patient Turnover (in the last 6 months)?
How many beds are in the hospital?
How many HMOs is the hospital registered with?
What is the average percentage of occupancy (%)?
What is the reputation of the hospital?
The Hospital is in what area of the city?*
How close is the hospital to the major road in the area?
How busy is the Main Road Close to the hospital?
What Community Centre is the hospital close to?
Is there a dumpsite close to the hospital?
How many banks are on the same street as the Hospital?
How many hospitals are within 10km of the hospital?
How many Staff does the hospital have?
How many months' salary does the hospital owe staff?
How much General Staff training did the hospital conduct in the last 12 months?
Do the hospital has any of these arrangements with staff?
What's the general attitude of the staff?
How many staff are more than 5 yrs in the hospital?
Does the Hospital have any of this in place?
The Hospital is sitting on how many Sq. Meters of Land?
The Hospital has the following alternative source of power.
Check all appropriate
Is the hospital accredited by the State Licensing Board?
Generally the facility appears…
The Hospital is on how many floors?
Does the hospital operate Electronic Medical Records?
Is there a dispute on the facility?
Does the facility have any external accreditation?
How much monthly revenue does the hospital generate (Nm)?
How much is the Hospital owed by HMOs (Nm)?
The Hospital owes pension payments (Nm)
he hospital owes suppliers (drugs/lab/Medical Equipment) (Nm)
How much monthly expenses does the hospital incur (Nm)?
The Hospital owes tax payments (Nm)
The hospital owes rent payments (yrs):
How much cash does the hospital have in the bank right now (Nm)?